Thursday, November 21, 2013

something about love.

 Okay, so today’s post is actually something that I found in my "thoughts on life" journal that I wrote this past summer. I don’t know exactly what prompted me to write this, but I thought I would share this with you in hopes that you will be inspired, or that this will speak to you in some way!


If you desire to be loved, you must commit yourself to do whatever it takes to become an ideal lover.
For, self sacrifice carves a path to a healthy and happy relationship.
Trust in a relationship is just as important because when one trusts someone with their heart and inmost feelings, you have a dependence on that trust that they will not betray you. For, each time the heart is betrayed and broken, it becomes more difficult to mend and rebuild that trust with someone else.
When you are conversing with a lover, you must keep in mind that words can be taken too seriously, or not seriously enough. You must make a direct effort to tell them exactly how you feel about things, putting extra emphasis on how you feel. Be mindful, too, that by expressing one’s opinion too excessively it can stress the relationship because of perhaps, too much negativity. Voice instead your love for things – whether it is the outfit they are wearing, or the food selection for dinner. By doing this you can add a positive personality to the conversation and your dislikes will soon become obvious.
Displaying your affection is important. Not in a way that will make others uncomfortable, but rather the way that you present yourself to them, and the way that you treat them. For example, if they don’t like doing the dishes, do the dishes as a self sacrifice for love of them. This will soon become a habit which will in turn, reward your relationship with a continuation of love and desire of happiness not only for yourself, but for them as well.
 Treating them with respect is very necessary because even thought they may, in a sense, be yours, respecting them as both a lover and a person shows that even though you have something special, showing them off as a sort of trophy is not be the best idea. Instead, treating them in a respectful manner is more appropriate. You should never lower your standards and morals in order to meet the demands of our society or a lover. Instead, keep your standards high and enjoy your time while waiting for “the one”. The greatest things in life always come to those who wait.
Continuous admiration of your lover slowly becomes a habit of love. These admirations do not have to be spoken, but just the simplicity of a secret admiration can slowly build your love into an even greater one. 


  "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." - Ephesians 4:2